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Resilience, Wellbeing & Active Steps
I have always wondered how any of us can manage our own wellbeing without necessarily needing professional support. In 2008 James (my son) and I collaborated on a collection of 'Active Steps', small practical techniques to help manage mood, anxiety, thoughts and general activity. This was based on cognitive-behavioural, solution-orientated and mindfulness techniques.
We published a book in 2008 called 'Active Steps to Reducing Stress' and a number of other articles in local and national newspapers and magazines.
As a result of this book, I wrote a series of five leaflets which can be 'stand alone' leaflets or used as a basis for disucssion and seminars.
Wellbeing workshop 1 | Wellbeing workshop 2-page-001 (2) |
Wellbeing workshop 3 | Wellbeing workshop 4 |
Wellbeing workshop 5 |
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